
Polyamory SymbolPolyamory (noun) –

(from Greek πολύ [poly, meaning many or several] and Latin amor [love])

The practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. Often abbreviated to poly, is sometimes described as consensual, ethical, or responsible non-monogamy. The word is occasionally used more broadly to refer to any sexual or romantic relationships that are not sexually exclusive, though there is disagreement on how broadly it applies; an emphasis on ethics, honesty, and transparency all around is widely regarded as the crucial defining characteristics.  (from wikipedia)

As I explore this world and those in it, I found myself drawn more and more towards polyamory.  I never really had partners that were both into it and capable of the honesty needed for it.   Ultimately, I decided, relatively recently, that even though I was single I would declare myself polyamorous.  I have a lot of friends who are, and the support of a wonderful BDSM community with a large subset of poly partners. So far, even with a few bumps, it’s turned out wonderfully.

Why start a blog about it?  Well, a close friend and I decided that not only did we have a lot of love to give, but we had a lot of ideas and thoughts about polyamory.  There is no one way to live live or run relationships, but we want to share our ideas and experiences so that others may learn and reflect.  We’ll try our best to share our experiences and advice without being preachy, and to possibly amuse if possible.

~ by skyspook on March 29, 2011.

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